How To Download a Preliminary Title Report (Sample and Video)

Enhanced Document” or an additional piece of information offered for a more through research. In order to have access to these document downloads, you must have an Active Monthly or Annual Subscription and you will be using a credit when you download this document.

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Search by “Address or Assesor’s Parcel Number”
  3. Click on “Enhanced Docs, Reports & Images Downloads“.
  4. Choose “Preliminary Title Report (Includes liens)
    Click the “Download” and follow steps.
  5. The report should download straight into your device for you to save.
  6. Your downloads are stored for up to 7 days with an active subcription under “Download History”.

See how to download Preliminary Title Video here

See a Preliminary Title with Deed and Mortgage – Sample

Property Preliminary Title Downloads or by calling 1-800-773-4062 (8:30am-2:30pm pst)