Metrolink Riverside Line
Metrolink Trains Rail Transit Schedule, Times & Route Map

Weekdays includes travel to L. A. Union Station Metrolink Station and Riverside-Downtown Metrolink Station. Weekday travel to L. A. Union Station Metrolink Station starts at Riverside-Downtown Metrolink Station. Weekday travel to Riverside-Downtown Metrolink Station starts at L. A. Union Station Metrolink Station.

Holiday Schedules
*Some trips may carryover to the next day; service dates are assumed over at 3:59am.

About Metrolink Trains

Transit California
Web Services

MetroLink Real-Time stop predictions (Bus and Rail). Trip updates (Bus and Rail). MetroLink On X with the all lines option (All Travel Modes). Vehicle locations with per stop, per line, and per direction options (Bus and Rail). Metrolink On Facebook. Access from nearby service panels or a Line Web Page.

Bikes Policy
Whether bikes are allowed on a per trip basis is not yet included in the data publication.
Accessibility Information

Wheelchair accommodations per trip and accessibility of vehicle boarding per stop is not yet included in the data publication.

See the home page for additional agency service information.
Alert Info
Check the Online area.

Fares for the Metrolink Riverside Line

Exact Fares
Fares on a per route basis not found for his Line.
Check under Agency Fares for more fare options.
*Agencies see the developers area for tips.
Fare Passes

Fare products specifically for this line not found. Check under Agency Fare Passes for more fare options.
*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Fare Media

Media specifically for this line not found. Check under Agency Fare Media for more fare options.
*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Purchase Link No agency dedicated purchase link found for this Line.
More Info
Check Agency Ticketing below for more info.
*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Fares for Metrolink Trains

Basic Fares
Fares range from $1.25 to $27.50 payable when boarding.
Transfers may be once and valid indefinitely
Origin/Destination Fares
Other Fare Information

See Ticketing for help on how to purchase.


The main agency website for fare information

*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Fare Passes

Fare passes not found in the data publication. Try Fares or Ticketing

*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Fare Cards / Media

Fare media not found in the data publication. Try Fares

*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

More Info

Consult the main transit website for more ticketing info 800 N. Alameda St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Third Party Retail Outlets

Retail outlets do not yet appear in the data publication.

*Agencies see the developers area for tips.

Exact Fare

No data for this Line. See general Agency Fares.

Passes / Media

No data for Fare Products.

Basic Fares

Fares range from $1.25 to $27.50 payable when boarding.

Transfers may be once and valid indefinitely
Origin/Destination Fares

Press for Exact Fare info.